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Track of the day 03242021

The latest album 'Ghost Album' from Tempalay has arrived. Today, I’ve been listening to this great work all day. Here is one of my favourite track so far.

Journal 03172021

Our team, FC Tokyo will host Shonan Bellmare at Ajinomoto Stadium this evening. The match starts at 6 pm. We only have one hour and 40 min until it gets started. Still have lots of things to do...

Track of the day 03172021

Track of the day 03122021

Journal 03122021

Jogged 30 min around Matsuzawa hospital as usual. It was the second run with new shoes, New Balance Fresh Foam 1080. I feel I'm getting used to the new gear. It feels more natural to me compared to the first run a few days before. Also, I …