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Track of the day, 01/20/2022

New song from Kaho Nakamura. Totally amazing... When I first heard the track, it reminded me of "Lindy" but as I listen to it over and over again, it gives me more sophisticated and yearnig atmosphere.

Track of the day, 01/07/2022

我らがFC東京2022シーズンを闘う新ユニフォームが発表されました。 紹介映像で使われている曲が気になったので調べてみたら、こちらを発見。映像冒頭で聴こえる靴音は曲の中に元々入っている音のようです。スパイク履いてロッカールームを歩…

Track of the day, 01/06/2022

Snowing heavily in Tokyo. Soaking up the atmosphere with this beautiful classic track.

New year

Want to post more this year. Mood of this track would not be absolute happy but I love the beautiful intro.